Wiring M-BOT

I have done some research on how to best wire M-Bot. I wanted to start with a PCB, with all the components.

Board template

The main issue with this approach is that I don't know much about the control loop of the robot. What sensors I will require and even what things I will need to control on the tooling head.

In technical terms, I have no idea what I am doing. So I better leave myself the space to iterate on breadboards.

However I know about the CNC requirements, as this part of the robot is done, and if there are changes, they should only be mechanics or software, not on the electronic layer. I could get a CNC board control off the shelf for 30 euros. But since I already have the components, and I will be required to hack the board anyways I'll make it over a perf board.

I plan to use JST connectors for the connexion between the boards and the sensors and control units. This seems like the default connectors being used, Most likely I will use XT60 or Barrel jack to plug the boards for power.

Also I need a small buck converter to provide 5V to the microcontroller regardless of the voltage. Ideally I would like to be able to power the robot with anything between 12-28V, so I can use most battery chemistry.

This is the likely wiring I am planning to use.

M-Bot wiring blue print

Two main boards, excluding stepper driver and power supply. One to control the CNC and one master to control M-Bot functionalities and talk to the CNC board to tell it what to do.