Electronics wall

A quick rant after a few months without updates. And obviously, it is 1 am, given that it is the time of clarity, when things finaly fall into place.

After doing electronics this past months, making PCBs, testing sensors, developping firmware. What do you think I spent most time on ?

A ) Developping firmware.

B ) Reading specifications.

C ) Looking at the breadboard for why it ain't working, and figuring that the cable isn't plugged in the right hole after 3 hours.

Well, most likely it B, but honestly, this is where the time should be spent, if you don't want to spend days debugging the firmware. But I've also spent an insane amount of time on C.

I've spent the last 3 hours figuring that the NPN transistor hasn't the same pinout than the one I expected, i.e. : Emitter, Base, Collector and is ECB instead. As was said in the Big Short, It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so. And for electronics, I've to fall into all the noobs traps, and be sure; I do !

Rant over. I've gotten myself a transistor tester for next time.